Save files are compatible with other flash carts. No need to manually select save types nor battery. Never lost save dataĪcekard 2i writes directly to the save file on your MicroSD card. The Acekard 2i is the same size as an original cart and you don’t have to flash your machine or use a passme in order to use it. Acekard 2i Description: Original cart size, simple plug and play, no passme or flashed NDS needed Just follow the instructions after you run the update file. I f you’re using DSL or DSPhat please useak2ifw_update_3ds21_DSi143_onDSL.nds to update. If you’re using DSi or DSXL please use ak2ifw_update_3ds21_DSi143.nds to update. Please choose update file according to your console. Please refer to readme file in the package. (8.26)ģDS New firmware V2.1.0-4 has released,ak2i is working on it prefectly!
ĪKAIO 1.8.8 Released! Fixed game to #5803. Please read the readme file in the package before you update your AK2i. Please select the update file according to your console. This update support the latest 3DS 3.0.0-6 & DSi 1.4.4.